
Showing posts from September, 2017
I am going home this weekend and I am so excited. I have not been home in over a month since school started. When I left Cypress (suburb of Houston) to move into my new apartment, the hurricane was fast approaching. this time in my life was scary because  I was in San Marcos while the hurricane was destroying my city and hometown. It was unsettling to see the videos and photos on social media while I was in San Marcos. I was constantly calling my parents to check on updates on our house, neighborhood, and family. I had an emotional breakdown while praying for my house to not be flooded. I know it is materialistic things, but it is still scary knowing your house could flood. Having that thought in my mind of my house being flooded was terrifying, because then I would not have a home to go to. Luckily the water did not reach the front porch and door of my house, so my house was okay. Unfortunately, this was not the cases for others. Numerous families were less fortunate than I was, but s
I am starting to get nervous for my certification tests because I decided to register for all three exams in October. I have been studying since August and still do not feel prepared. It is nerve wracking knowing part of my career is based off passing three huge tests. I am not a great test taker and I hope to do well. My main goal is to pass all three exams on the first attempt; that way  I can get them out of the way before student teaching. In my opinion, there is not really a good time to take these exams since there is student teaching in the spring. I am probably stretching myself thin for taking all three tests this semester, but I want to do the best I can.
On Friday night, my roommates and I went to see the movie "IT". We got there at 9:30 and found out all of the showtimes were sold out for that particular movie. We all decided to purchase tickets for the movie for Saturday. The girl at the ticket booth told us to get there early Saturday night so we could get good seats. The next night we got at the movie theater at 8:00 which was over an hour till the movie started. One of the employees told us to form a line since the previous showing was still going on. We were so happy we were the first ones in line because we were able to get first choice on seats. My friends and I waiting in line which felt like forever anticipating the movie. Once the theater room doors opened I bolted to make sure I got a good seats. Throughout the movie my heart was pounding due to the anticipation. When there were intense scenes I would hide my face in my jacket. Usually in scary movies when there are so many intense scenes I usually start laughing.